How to Find the Best Academic Developmental Editor for You

The profile of scholarly developmental editing has risen a lot over the past several years. Many more scholars are aware that developmental editing is a thing, and I’m happy to see many authors sharing that they have worked with developmental editors on their books. I hope that for most academics it no longer feels taboo to seek this kind of support for your writing and publishing goals.

I’ve written a post for Feeding the Elephant that covers most of the basic info about working with an academic developmental editor, but in this post I want to share some additional info that might help you if you haven’t yet locked down a developmental editor to work with on your current project.

Once you’re sold on the idea of hiring a developmental editor to push your book manuscript (or book proposal or journal article) forward, you then have to find the actual person who is going to be a good match for your specific needs. There’s no central directory of all academic developmental editors (though you might try the Editorial Freelancers Association to see if anyone registered there appeals to you).

My biggest tip for identifying an appropriate developmental editor is to rely on your network. Maybe a friend or colleague has worked with an editor they’d recommend. Or maybe someone you follow on social media gave a shout-out to an editor they worked with. Maybe you just finished a book you were blown away by and you noticed the author thanked a developmental editor in their acknowledgments. If you’re already talking to publishers, your acquisitions editor may have suggestions for you as well.

The key is to at least start with a recommendation, which will give you one layer of vetting before you do your own research on the editor you may decide to hire.

Why not just go with the first editor you come across on Twitter or Google? We editors each have our own specific services we offer, our own processes for working with clients and manuscripts, our own prices and schedules, our own expertise and track records, and of course our own personalities. So you’ll probably want to suss out whether a given editor lines up with your own needs.

You’re a unique person too, and the right editor for your colleague’s book project might not be the best fit for yours.

If you’ve never worked with a developmental editor before, you may not be sure how to evaluate an editor you’re considering. My first stop would be the editor’s website, but you may also want to make an appointment to speak with the editor directly before you make a decision. Many editors offer free initial consultations, so you shouldn’t be shy about setting one up.

Every author’s criteria will be personal, but here a few questions you can ask yourself as you research editors:

Do they have experience with manuscripts like the one you want to publish?

If you’re working on a book, you want an editor who knows how academic books are structured and how to solve common problems in book manuscripts. Ditto for journal articles and book proposals.

The field you’re writing in matters as well. Because writing and publishing conventions differ across academic fields, you’ll want someone who is intimately familiar with what is expected in your field.

“Experience” with manuscripts may come in a few forms. An editor might have a long track record of working with clients on similar manuscripts to the one you’re writing. Or they may have published books or articles of their own. Or they may have an advanced degree in your field, which would point to, at the very least, their having read a lot of published work of the kind you want to produce. Many developmental editors will tick all three of these boxes.

Do they have a track record of helping authors get published?

Not all editors publicize the projects they’ve worked on (I do because I’m very proud of them and my clients are cool with it), but they should at least be able to assure you that they know what it takes to get published at the kinds of places you want to get published.

If you want to publish with a university press or academic journal, you may want to find an editor who has worked on the publishing side with one of those entities in the past.

Can they accommodate your timeline?

Many experienced developmental editors book up months in advance, especially for long projects like book manuscripts. If you need help now, you may want to narrow your search to people who are more flexible in their availability.

Some editors will take jobs on short notice but charge a rush rate, which, if you have the money to throw at the problem, is a way to get on someone’s schedule right away.

Can you afford them?

Developmental editors are professionals who charge for their time and expertise. So they don’t always come cheap. If you are on a tight budget, you may want to look for editors who are just starting out and hoping to build a portfolio (hopefully they have other kinds of experience that cause you to trust their advice).

Not all editors post their rates publicly, but that’s something you should be able to ascertain with an email or initial consultation. While you may not be able to find out exactly how much your job will cost when it’s all said and done, the editor should at least be able to give you an estimate or range based on what your needs are.

If you find an editor you love but you have budget concerns, you can mention what you’re working with to the editor. If I really want to work on a particular project, I will often find a way to alter the scope of my work or offer a different service that will align with the funds a client has available.

Do you like their vibe?

Editors have different personal styles (we’re human, so duh) and you might need to check out a few before you find one who just feels like the right fit. Some editors are very professional and direct, some are more warm and nurturing, some are quirky and awkward (just like a lot of writers out there).

Because sharing your unpolished work with someone can put in you in a vulnerable emotional spot, you need to feel safe and with your editor. For some people, “safe” means “won’t sugarcoat their feedback,” while for others it means “will make sure to encourage me and keep my morale up” or “won’t judge me for being quirky and awkward myself.”

No one style is better than another, it’s just a question of what you’re most comfortable with.

You may be able to assess a lot of these items just from looking at the editor’s website, but if not, you can always send an inquiry and ask directly. And definitely feel free to bring up anything else that’s really important to you when you email or speak to someone. Your editor should feel they’re the right fit too before they take on your project, so it’s good to get everything out there up front.

If you’re talking with an editor who doesn’t seem like quite the right fit, that’s ok. You can thank them for their time and move on.

Many editors will be happy to provide referrals to their colleagues as well. If I can’t accommodate a prospective client’s timeline, budget, or disciplinary needs, I’m always eager to suggest an editor friend or two who I think might be a better match. Fill out our Editor Referral Form to get recommendations for professionals in my referral network, tailored and personalized to fit you, your project, and your needs.

If think you may want to look for a developmental editor but you’re not sure when you’ll need them, my advice is to start looking now. The editor you want may need several months’ notice to get you on their schedule. This post may help you too.

Finding a developmental editor who feels like a great match is a gateway to what will hopefully be a productive and maybe even career-altering relationship. Good luck on taking the first step!

(If you’re intrigued by all this talk of developmental editors and think you might want to become one yourself, check out my programs on developmental editing for academics here.)